The TBC Concept

The core TBC concept is to connect business professionals with a combination of both online and face to face methods.


Traditional face to face networking has its problems. It can often be awkward, it can be costly in terms of time and money to commute to a venue. Sometimes the mix of people attending is not what was initially expected and hours can be wasted attending events with little return in terms of business generated compared to the time and cost involved.

Online or digital methods often are presented as an alternative, however, they also have their disadvantages. For example, they lack the interpersonal ‘chemistry’ of a face to face meeting and can often be impersonal or ‘two dimensional’ (in the case of a video call).

TBC puts together the best of both approaches in a hybrid model. The time and cost saving of an online meeting can have advantages as can a high quality face to face meeting where all the right people attend at the right place at the right time.


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